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A legal guide

The Laws of Tel Zohar

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Courtesy is paramount in Tel Zohar.  Here are some of the more widely-practiced courtesies:

Do not interrupt the flow of business.

The only way you are allowed to stop someone from performing business is to have a better business. If you create a non-business-based impediment you may be fined equal to the loss of revenue or lose your business license.  This is if the offended businessman doesn’t take their own corrective actions.  This is widely viewed as the first law of Tel Zohar.

Do not attack lesser undead unless provoked!

Unlike many neighboring lands Necromancy isn’t frowned upon here, and undead may be the property of a business or land-owner. The harsh summer means working conditions are better suited to the dead. While Necromancy is a tool for business and life, the undead still have rights as people, and require a contractual agreement that has been registered before death. For clarification see local nobility.

Greater undead are free-willed but often evil. It is wise to stay away from them. Some citizens have chosen this lifestyle for

HEAR YE! In the summer of 619er there was a large force of Undead in the eastern regions, and all undead in the area were considered Kill On Site. This proclamation has been rescinded as the hostilities have passed!

The forces of Frederick, former hero of Tel Zohar turned afoul by his undead form, are hereby considered “kill on sight”


All fines must be paid in physical coin, not promissory notes

I, Karich Asud al Zohar, head of Four Winds Mercantile, Patron of the Asud family, hereby declare that all peoples within the lands of Tel Zohar are now subject to the following laws and regulations. If you have any questions about the validity of my claim to enforce these laws, please see a member of the Mercantile, an executor of my estates, a member of the noble peerage, or myself. These laws are designed to not only help protect the people I have sworn to protect, the businesses that I have chartered, and the overall prosperity of Tel Zohar.


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All offenses of property theft will result in the return of the stolen property, or return of the value of the stolen property. If the value is subjective, it will be determined by the officiating member of the peerage or assigned officiate. Contractually bound entities like Undead, for this purpose, will be considered as livestock in regards to theft.


First Offense: One gold piece per item stolen or ten gold total, whichever is greater, to be paid to the landed noble or officiate where the offense was so recorded.


Second Offense: Two gold pieces per item stolen or twenty gold total, whichever is greater, to be paid to the landed noble or officiate where the offense was so recorded. Loss of Guild Charter. Loss of Business License.


Further Offenses: Loss of all property, currency, granted charters, deeds, rank in any mercantile group, titles, and Outlaw as so scribed by the noble or assigned officiate.


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All offenses will result in the return of the stolen money.


First Offense: Fine of Ten gold pieces to be paid to the landed noble or officiate where the offense was so recorded.


Second Offense: Fine of Twenty gold pieces to be paid to the landed noble or officiate where the offense was so recorded. Loss of Guild Charter. Loss of Business License.


Further Offenses: Loss of all property, currency, granted charters, deeds, rank in any mercantile group, titles, and Outlaw as so scribed by the noble or assigned officiate.




All monetary punishments are subject to forfeiture of property in the event the accused cannot pay. Value for any item must be fair, and no Deeds can be revoked short of a third offense. Disputes can be handled by the officiates Liege-Lord


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The act of willfully injuring someone who is protected by the laws of this land, without a license by registered and approved business practices or so stated and allowed in a royal guild charter:


First Offense: Fine of Five gold pieces


Second Offense: Fine of Ten gold pieces


Further Offenses: Fine of Thirty gold pieces, loss of deeded lands, loss of guild charter, loss of business licenses, or equivalent injury.


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The act of willfully taking the life of someone who is protected by the laws of this land, without license by registered and approved business practices or so stated and allowed in a royal guild charter. All punishments may include assault as well:


First Offense: Fine of Ten gold pieces


Second Offense: Fine of Twenty gold pieces


Further Offenses: Thirty gold fine, loss of deeded lands, loss of guild charter, loss of business licenses, or life.

Interruption of Chartered Business

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Purposefully sabotaging a business by way of damaging assets owned by said business will be treated as theft of property. Punishments will fall under those guidelines. Purposefully killing anyone conducting registered business by practice is subject to the decision of the Noble Peerage or assigned Officiate, but will default to the same punishment as murder. Assault, Murder, and Theft, can be combined as multiple fines as responsibly needed.

Inciting Rebellion

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Inciting rebellion is bad for business. Rebellion is considered treason in other lands. All commoners, nobility, and travelers from outside of the Kingdom will be treated as equals no less than once every other year at the grand court. Local nobility must hold a court of grievances once a year, or have other such policy to hear the grievances of local common folk. Courtly rules apply to these gatherings.


The punishment for treason is a monetary fine of no less than fifty gold pieces, loss of guild charter, loss of noble title, loss of all business licenses, and may result in a charge of treason where grievous harm has befallen the Kingdom, its lands, or its people. The charge of Rebellion or Treason may not be given by anyone but Karich Asud al Zohar, or his successors.

Bearing False Witness or Conspiracy

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Accusations against individuals be they natural born, self-attained, or foreign, while in the lands of Tel Zohar that are knowingly false will be handled on a case-by-case basis.


Low crimes have no victims and will be punished as the nobility or assigned officiate decide. All disputes should be brought to a Knight by the officiate if one is not already present.


Crime with one or more victims – If there exists a victim of a crime, and someone knowingly bears false witness in an attempt to shift guilt to another party: Loss of all personal property, immediate auction of said property and the proceeds are to be split between the attending peerage and the wrongfully accused. Punishment can include any forfeiture of land deeds, guild charters, or business licenses. Immediate Outlaw status.


High-Crimes: High crimes where a person bears false witness in an attempt to disrupt or manipulate the noble peerage, their policies, laws, or actions, are to be handled by the local landed noble, or their liege if the local nobility is directly involved. Punishment can include any forfeiture of land deeds, guild charters, business licenses, or life. Immediate Outlaw status.

Impersonation of authority

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While Tel Zohar has no rule about disrespecting nobility, pretending to be a noble or official of the kingdom can have long-reaching effects on everyone, including local businesses.  Offenses of this law will be met with punishment equivalent of the station you were impersonating. Most appointed stations take the maximum punishment for any offense. Additionally, if your actions caused the premature death of one or more individuals you may suffer the same circumstances. Sequentially.


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Slavery is hereby not a legal business or trade that will be tolerated within the borders of Tel Zohar. Any person caught knowingly selling, transporting, or otherwise engaging in the practice of slavery shall be met with the highest form of judgment available. Anyone purchasing a slave for any reason short of freeing the slave will face the same punishment. The slaver will have their name marked as Outlaw, all worldly possessions, including the slaves, will be turned over to a member of the noble peerage, and the slaver shall be summarily executed.